Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Plamonsters Strike!

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here tonight to tell you a very strange story — a story so strange that no one will believe it — but, ladies and gentlemen, seeing is believing. And we — my partners and I — have brought back the living proof of our adventure, an adventure in which twelve of our party met horrible death. And now, ladies and gentlemen, before I tell you any more, I'm going to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld. He was a king and a god in the world he knew, but now he comes to civilization merely a captive — a show to gratify your curiosity. Ladies and gentlemen, look at Kong, the Eighth Wonder of the World!


Wrong franchise!

Today we have a little cutie for you!

Presenting... Gorilla Plamonster!

This cute little charmer is one of my favorite Plamonsters.

First off, I need to mention it's size.

It. Is. Huge.

When I first picked it up, I honestly thought they'd be tiny, but when you realise that is an actual

Wizard Ring on the top of his head, you get an idea of the size!

For those that are lazy and don't want to measure one, or don't have one to hand, its 5inches high and 6inches wide. I consider that huge, especially when it was planned to be monitor decoration on my desk! :P

Onto the details!

Inside the box you'll find everything you need to create your own little Plamonster monster!

One frame board, main body, waist, two arms, two legs and a ring!

The entire thing is made of a very nice translucent purple plastic, just clear enough to see what's going on inside.

The chest and eyebrows are a matt grey with a glittery purple over the chest and stomach areas. The knuckles and under eyes are your well known and loved Bandai silver.

The little beast goes together via a series of pegs and sockets, most of these still allow full rotation for posing purposes, and its absolutely solid. Like... the first time I took it apart to rebox it, I thought it would break from the force needed to seperate the arms.

Most of the sockets supplied are used in the general assembly, however several are still exposed, these are for the other combinations with the rest of the Plamonsters.

As I don't own another Plamonster, I can't comment on this feature!

There is a little gimmick with this guy, a nifty 1-2 Punch :D

On the wrists you'll find a pair of buttons, pressing those releases the fists and sends anything in its path flying!

Now as per Wizards theme, this little Rocky Balboa wannabe comes with a Ring!

The Ring is usable with the Wizard, and White Wizard Drivers, which simply calls out "Plamonster!" in the White Wizard, and "Golem!" in the Wizard Driver.

The Ring fits nicely in the top of the little dudes head, just push it right in there to complete his look :)

Any Ring will work here, it isn't dependent on a particular one, though he does look a tad daft with a Beast Ring there ;)

Overall this guy is just solid, even with it's larger bulk it's still perfect for decorating larger desks or putting into comical situations... No... I haven't used this guy as a book end... honest!

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